Simple but More Resistant DIY Aluminum Foil Reflector
By Johannes Wienke
Since some time I kept a small piece of cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil in my camera bag as an always-with-me reflector, e.g. for flower photography. This is a well known thing and the effect is great. However, I had the problem that the aluminum foil is not very resistant and after some time starts peel off the cardboard. So I was thinking how to make things a bit more resilient with stuff available in the household.
The solution I came up with is to us a transparent sheet protector (punched pocket) for carrying around the cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil. This way the reflector hopefully last longer. Along with the cardboard I also put a white paper into the sheet protector to have a second reflector type for some variation. Here is a short photo walk-through of the creation process:
The resulting reflector fits easily into the pocket of my photo bag (Vanguard Up-Rise 33).
Here is a test shot I did with the reflector to show the effect of the two sides.
This was the setup used for the photos: